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CBS Teases the Return of TWO AND HALF MEN: Ready… Set… Photoshop!

Earlier today, CBS and Warner Bros. Television released the first of what will surely be an unprecedented promotional campaign for the new (and hopefully improved) season of TWO AND A HALF MEN. And while we wouldn’t normally go out of our way to promote a show we don’t watch, surely we can’t be the only one who feels that this teaser is practically begging to be Photoshopped! Which is why we thought now might be as good a time as any to challenge our far funnier and creative readers to do just that!

Think you’ve got a better tagline for the upcoming Ashton Kutcher infused season of TWO AND A HALF MEN? Download a “blank” version of the image which we’ve handily posted after the jump and email your edit to danielthetvaddict [at] gmail [dot] com. Funniest entries will be featured on early next week.

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