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Please tell me this somewhat lacklustre season of DEXTER gets better? — Richie
The TV Addict: If by better you mean more bloody, you’ll certainly enjoy the unexpected shooting of one of this season’s special guest stars that occurs sometime during the next two episodes. And if you don’t, well, there’s always the final scene one week from this Sunday that — as much as we hate to employ such an overused term of “game changer” — really will turn Dexter’s world completely and 100% upside-down.

Any chance Penny might get a little love this season? As much as I enjoy THE BIG BANG THEORY, I’ve always found it somewhat illogical that the best Kaley Cuoco’s character can do is Leonard? — Dylan
The TV Addict: As someone who has also spent the better part of THE BIG BANG THEORY’s four seasons scratching our head over Penny’s lack of love life, you’ll be happy to know that an upcoming episode of the hit CBS series will finally see Penny meet someone out of her immediate nerdiverse. Cue Kenny, an aspiring screenwriter whom she meets in a coffee shop while helping Leonard get over his break up with… oops, we may have said too much!

Ever since you posted your fantastic recount of your time on the set of THE GOOD WIFE it’s been driving me crazy, what was Alicia and Jackie fighting about this time? — Sam
The TV Addict: Since we wouldn’t dare risk angering our good friends at CBS publicity by divulging the specifics of Alicia and Jackie’s latest head-to-head, we’ll simply say that the point of contention revolves around the Florrick offspring and the current controversy surrounding the status of their respective relationships.

Will long suffering Booth and Brennan shippers be pleased with BONES upcoming seventh season premiere? — Jennifer
The TV Addict: Not only will the upcoming seventh season premiere of BONES have long suffering Booth and Brennan fans jumping up-and-down on their couch Tom Cruise-style circa Oprah 2005, the opening scene will have fans just about forgiving Hart Hanson and Co. for last season’s Hannah debacle. No word of a lie, it is that good.

Since you have a history of being ridiculously plugged into the DEGRASSI scene I was hoping you had a little news about what fans can expect when the show returns? — Jamie
The TV Addict: Since we had a feeling this kind of question might find its way into our inbox during the show’s hiatus, we made sure to ask executive producer Stefan Brogren something to that effect during our recent visit to the set of CTV’s upcoming new series HIGHLAND GARDENS. That’s the good news. The bad news, well, he wasn’t exactly forthcoming with regards to what trials and tribulations will be in store for your favorite Canadian students when the show returns, except to say, “Someone’s going to cheat with someone that you would not expect!”

Absolutely loving HART OF DIXIE. Not loving how unwelcoming the town of BlueBell Alabama is when it comes to the delightful Rachel Bilson’s Zoe Hart. Any chance the Alabama freeze will come to an end anytime soon? — Allie
The TV Addict: Based on some recent intel that came across our desk, we have a feeling the townspeople of Bluebell Alabama will very soon be having a change of hart (See what we did there?) with regards to Zoe. Particularly thanks to an upcoming episode in which Zoe’s hereto unforeseen Aunt provides the good doctor with the key to ingratiating herself in the community. A key that even prim and proper Lemon Breeland won’t be able to argue with.

Because waiting sucks, I’m hoping you can help pass the time between seasons with some TRUE BLOOD scoop? — Brenda
The TV Addict: As luck would have it, we recently had the pleasure of chatting one-on-one with Kristin Bauer (Pam) in anticipation of her deliciously evil guest spot on this Sunday’s episode of ONCE UPON A TIME (Check back tomorrow for the interview). So just what did Bauer have to say about the upcoming fifth season premiere script she just recently had the chance to devour? “Well, I’ll tell you, reading episode 501 I think literally my mouth was hanging open. Like the fans, I too have been waiting to find out where all those cliffhangers are going to launch us and I can tell you, the show gets launched in a whole other interesting direction. The seeds that are planted in 501 are just so interesting I can’t wait to get in there and start shooting those scenes.”

Any PARENTHOOD scoop? — Jessica
The TV Addict: Yes. This just in, it’s official: Most of you stink for continuing to miss out on what has pretty much become our favorite family drama of the season. Oh, and to answer your question, a relationship fans all thought was just about over will come roaring back to life in an upcoming episode thanks to one big ol’ bottle of wine.

Is there any chance we’re getting close to discovering the identity of the titular mother on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER? — Amy
The TV Addict: In an effort to distract you from the fact that we have absolutely no pertinent information with regards to co-creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas’ timeline for the big mother reveal, please enjoy these just released behind-the-scenes photo from Monday’s upcoming Halloween episode featuring special guest star Katie Holmes as the “Slutty Pumpkin!”

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