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The Art of the Press Release: Special RAISING HOPE Edition!

Continuing his penchant for delivering press releases that cut through the clutter comes the latest from the genius behind RAISING HOPE, Greg Garcia. See for yourself, after the jump.

Dear Critics,
Well, Christmas is right around the corner and do we have a wonderful gift for you! A preview screening of the best holiday episode of a comedy that you have ever seen.
We decided to do an episode where Jimmy wishes he never slept with a serial killer and then we explore a reality where our family never had baby Hope enter their wonderful lives. The idea of this episode is 100% original. People tell me that there was a Jimmy Stewart Christmas movie that was similar but I’ve never heard of it.
Anyway, after you watch, when you’re done laughing and calling all your friends to tell them how amazing it was, I want you to take a little time and reflect. What would life be like in a world where there was no RAISING HOPE? Well, let me tell you…
If RAISING HOPE was never put on FOX last season, the world would be a very different place. FOX would have given up all hope of ever developing a successful live action comedy again and they would exclusively develop reality television. Which means on Tuesdays from 9-10, FOX would air a show called “What Will Homeless People Swallow for Ten Dollars?” hosted by Mario Lopez. This show would have been awful, but one of its biggest fans would have been Osama Bin Laden. Osama would become so obsessed with meeting Mario Lopez that he would move from his comfy super-secret hideout in Pakistan to Los Angeles, where he would fall in love with the weather and permanently relocate. Today, he would be plotting terrorist activities from the comfort of his ranch-style home somewhere in Woodland Hills.
Thanks to RAISING HOPE, none of that happened.  
If you like our Christmas episode, please encourage people to watch. Because none of us want to live in a world where RAISING HOPE doesn’t get a third season. As Americans, we can’t take that chance.
Enjoy and thanks for your support.
Your pal,
Greg Garcia

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