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ONCE UPON A TIME First Look: Desperate Souls

Move over Romney, Bachmann and Paul, there’s a far more important election than this evening’s Republican Primary. For this [Super] Sunday January 8th the fairy tale town of StoryBrook Maine will be holding an election of their very own. The purpose, to find a replacement for the dearly departed Sheriff Graham (RIP). And while we sure as heck aren’t about to spoil whether or not Emma Swan (Woo-Hoo!) has what it takes to defeat Sidney Glass (Boo-Hoo!), we can assure you that the right wrong honorable Mayor Regina and the obviously-up-to-no-good Mr. Gold will be doing their darndest to swiftboat Swan’s chances and ensure her campaign goes up in flames (Literally!) But hey, don’t take our word for it, see for yourself after the jump courtesy of some first look photos from the episode that also promises to include a tantalizing piece of Rumplestiltskin’s backstory.”

ONCE UPON A TIME airs Sundays at 8PM on ABC (CTV in Canada) Catch up on past episodes you may have missed for free online at

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