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Sing, Kermie! Sing!

Oh, Hollywood, when will you learn not to tick off Miss Piggy… or her fans?

The minute Richard M. Simms — executive editor of Soaps In Depth magazine and a regular contributor to this site— heard that producers of this year’s Oscar telecast were opting not to have the nominated songs performed, he knew someone had to stick up for Kermit and Co.

“It’s bad enough that out of all the songs featured in all the movies over the past 12 months, only two were actually nominated,” says Simms. “But when one of them is a showstopper like ‘Man Or Muppet’, it’s downright unforgiveable. The producers say they want to put on the most entertaining show possible, and I ask you: What’s more entertaining than Muppets?” After a momentary pause, he answers his own question. “Nothing.”

And so, in an effort to change the mind of producers, the Muppet-enamored exec pled his case via blog and then created a Facebook page titled MONO (Muppets Or No Oscar!) hoping other like-minded individuals might rally to the cause.

“I’m pretty sure if the tables were reversed,” he says, “Kermit would go to bat for us. Seems like the least we can do!”

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