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Good News, Bad News: SMASH, HOUSE & NETFLIX

Good News: NBC has officially awarded SMASH — the Peacock Network’s highest rated freshman drama — a much deserved second season. Bad News: For creator Theresa Rebeck, who was kindly asked by NBC to step-down following what many have characterized as a creatively rocky first season. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of bad news, how about the fact that noticeably absent from the Network’s press release touting the show’s renewal is a promise to put an immediate stop to any and all snooze-inducing story lines involving Julia’s crumbling marriage and/or Ellis’ scheming! [Source]

Good News: A beloved alumna of Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital is returning to HOUSE just in time for the hit Fox show’s swan song. Bad News: No, not Lisa Edelstein’s Cuddy, but rather Olivia Wilde’s polarizing character that goes by the nom de plume of Thirteen. [Source]

Good News: Reports have surfaced that Netflix is interested in reviving ABC’s sure-to-be-canceled freshman drama THE RIVER. Bad News: But not before the ubiquitous streaming service saves TERRA NOVA, greenlights long dormant big screen versions of such brilliant-but-canceled shows such as VERONICA MARS and DEADWOOD and reincarnates FIREFLY. Sheesh! [Source]

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