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Play TV Showrunner Madness 2012 (Round 4)

After four furiously frantic days of fandom voting, it has come down to this: The final four six: Andrew Marlowe (CASTLE) vs. Julie Plec/Kevin Williamson (THE VAMPIRE DIARIES) vs. Joss Whedon (BUFFY/ANGEL/DOLLHOUSE) and Carter Bays and Craig Thomas (HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER) vs. Dan Harmon (COMMUNITY) vs. Steven Moffat (DOCTOR WHO). Suffice it to say, their fate is in your hands. But which of these talented scribes has what it takes to win our completely fictional prize that is an unlimited budget and creative control free of any-and-all network interference to create their showrunner opus? You have until precisely the stroke of midnight (EST) on Sunday April 1st to vote for your them (after the jump).

Which TV Showrunner would you most like to see be given carte blanche to develop their own show?

Which TV Showrunner would you most like to see be given carte blanche to develop their own show?

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