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Miss last night’s episode? Here’s what you need to know about PERSON OF INTEREST’s “Identity Crisis”

AIRDATE: 3/29/12 WRITER:: Amy Berg DIRECTOR: Charles Beeson SYNOPSIS: What starts out as a mysterious case involving the Machine spitting out a number with virtually no digital footprint, ends up with Reese and Finch caught in the middle of a dangerous Ecstasy ring run by someone with a penchant for identity theft to better cover her tracks. INTRODUCED: Yet another government agent, this time FBI, who attempts to convince Carter that John Reese is the PERSON OF INTEREST equivalent of Batman (Read: Masked vigilante who must be stopped) NOTABLE QUOTABLE: “That’s a terrible plan, but I like it, so let’s do it.” said Reese succinctly to Finch after hearing his less than lacklustre idea. LESSON LEARNED: With apologies to Mark Zuckerberg, when it comes to social networking, Finch was totally there first! CRITIQUE: Despite the frustrating fact that “Identity Crisis” seems to take Carter’s character two steps backwards in the sense that we have yet another murky government agent introducing evidence that Reese is not to be trusted, not to mention a bad guy — make that girl — we saw coming a country mile away, PERSON OF INTEREST continues to peak ours with its smarter-than-your-average case-of-the-weeks. With the episode generating serious bonus points for adding some nice layers to Detective Fusco’s character (Who continues his transformation from bad cop to good by lending Reese and Finch a much needed hand) and giving us the gift that was watching the usually buttoned-down Finch flying high on Ecstasy! GRADE: B

PERSON OF INTEREST airs Thursdays at 9PM on CBS (CityTV in Canada). Catch up on past episodes you may have missed for free online at

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