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Fall TV Preview: GO ON

Direct from the pages of our brand new, just released, first annual, Fall TV Preview eBook appropriately titled “Thank Goodness It’s Fall” comes a closer look at NBC’s new Matthew Perry vehicle, GO ON.

Premieres: Tuesdays September 11 at 9PM on NBC (Global in Canada).
In A Nutshell: A group of wacky misfits are brought together each week by their study group… er, support group. (Just try to not compare it to a tamer COMMUNITY. Double-dog dare you.)
Names You’ll Know: Something tells us you’ve heard of this young upstart, Matthew Perry (FRIENDS), who plays sportscaster Ryan King. Laura Benanti (THE PLAYBOY CLUB) is the leader of the group, while such kinda-familiar faces as Julie White (GRACE UNDER FIRE), Tyler James White (EVERYBODY HATES CHRIS), Sarah Baker (IN GAYLE WE TRUST) and Seth Morris (CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL) comprise his fellow transitioners, as they’re known. On the work front, John Cho (FLASHFORWARD ) and Allison Miller (TERRA NOVA) are our hero’s boss and assistant, respectively.
What They Say: “We’re not writing a show about grief,” creator and executive producer Scott Silveri insists. “We’re writing a show about people moving on and getting better.” Which, he goes on to say, leads to a rather delicate balancing act. “It’s been a fun challenge, really, finding where the line is [between] what’s funny and what’s just sad.”
What Others Say: “Perry is at his best when he’s reacting to the weirdness of others,” suggested Mitch Salem of, “and this group gives him plenty to work with.”
What We Say: The already-aired pilot offered lots of laughs as well as a few sentimental moments which gave the show unexpected heart. This isn’t simply a “Let’s laugh at the funny people!” show, but one that encourages us to feel their pain as well… and that could be a tough feat to pull off after week. But there’s no denying the ensemble cast is top-notch, with Benanti and Perry playing off one another brilliantly. And unlike many sitcoms, the world seems to be GO ON’s oyster. In the first 30 minutes, we went not only into our lead’s work, home and therapy environments but also (albeit briefly) into the homes of several group members. While NBC has been given grief over the past few weeks for having the balls to admit that it needs to broaden the appeal of its comedies, this is by no means a sitcom that plays it safe.

For more great reviews, exclusive interviews with some of your favorite showrunners and actors, as well as printable calendars and Emmy ballots, please consider supporting by checking out our First Annual Fall TV Preview eBook.

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