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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: Reasons Why We’re Still Fuming Over the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards

They make us feel old.
Despite still remaining firmly planted within the 18-49 demographic, nothing reminds us that time keeps rolling on like controversies surrounding MTV’s annual VMAs. This year’s culprit, the one surrounding Miley Cyrus that had our inner monologue wondering whether or not we should be proud or embarrassed that we didn’t know what “twerking” was until this past weekend.

Robin Sparkles wouldn’t be proud.
After a scandal-filled summer courtesy of the likes of fellow Canadians such as Justin Bieber and our not-so-honourable Mayor Rob Ford, one Robin Thicke — son of Canadian icon and occasional HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER guest star Alan Thicke — continues to put the “con” into Canadian content.

We have no choice but to agree with the dreaded PTC.
As much as we loathe to agree with an ultra-conservative watchdog that spends far too much time sticking their nose into other people’s business, we find it hard to argue with their charges that ““MTV continues to sexually exploit young women by promoting acts that incorporate ‘twerking’ in a nude-colored bikini. How is this image of former child star Miley Cyrus appropriate for 14-year-olds?” Speaking of which…

O Hannah Montana, Where Art Thou?
Not so fun fact: The inspiration for today’s TV Addict Top 5 came after your very own TV Addict stumbled across the inspiration for Miley Cyrus’ performance on Sunday. Suffice it to say, some things simply can’t be unseen.

Are people seriously still talking about this!?
As much as we hate to be that guy. You know, that guy who usually falls outside the 18-49 demographic and loves to harken back to the “good old days” when traditional media used to focus on the important news of the day, there are some pretty tragic and terrible things going on around the world right now. Particularly in places like Syria, which by the way we might be able to identify on a map if newspapers and media bothered to focus even a smidgen of the energy on atrocities that don’t include the search-engine-friendly terms of “Miley Cyrus” and “twerking.”

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