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Attention TV Addicts: Writers Wanted!

You don’t just like television, you love it… so much so that when you hear the word “gladiator”, you’re more likely to think about Olivia Pope’s staff than those dudes fighting lions in ancient Rome. If asked to choose between your sister’s wedding and that of Becket and Castle, you’d send sis an extra special gift along with your regrets.

Don’t worry, we’re not judging. In fact, you’re our kind of people.

And that means that you’re probably just itching to share your TV-related musings with the world. Sure, you live-tweet THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS, but 160-characters can’t begin to capture what you really want to say! And while you love recapping who did what to whom on GAME OF THRONES, your family has instituted a strict “No Westeros Talk” at the dinner table.

We understand. And we’re hear to help.

We’re looking for fun folks to share their opinions with the world! People who love talking about TV so much that they’d do it for free… which is, by the way, what we can afford to pay. There are, however, perks. For one thing, you’ll be sharing your writings with thousands of like-minded fans a day. Plus, you may have the opportunity to receive screeners, do celeb interviews, visit sets and more!

To get the ball rolling, put together an E-mail telling us a little bit about yourself and your viewing habits. What shows do you love? What shows do you love mocking? If you have any writing experience — not that any is required — fill us in, or send us an example or two! Send that E-mail to info [at] thetvaddict [dot] com.

Before long, you could be proudly saying, “See, Mom! I told you all that time I spent watching CASTLE and BONES would pay off!”

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