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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: Questions with VEEP Star Reid Scott

Reid Scott stars as the callous, deputy director of communications, Dan Egan on HBO’s Emmy winning comedy, VEEP. I spoke with Reid about his character Dan, what we can look forward to in the upcoming presidential race, and what he hopes to see in the fourth season.

We saw Dan lose it to Jonah a couple of weeks ago. Will we see him and Jonah go at it again?
Oh yeah. Dan and Jonah go on quite a ride together this season.

What has been your favorite scene so far? Any memorable scenes that you did this season?
Reid Scott: My favorite scene so far was from Season 1 when Selina is holding a cup of her own pee while in the lobby of a middle school. I couldn’t keep it together on that one. From this season the burrito scene was probably my favorite, apologies to my co-stat Tim Simons.

Dan is ruthless! Will we ever see his back-story or get a closer look at why he’s so aggressive?
He is kind of a ruthless bastard, isn’t he? We get a few hints into his back-story this season, but it’s been fun keeping him a bit of a mystery as well.

What can you tell us about Selena’s upcoming presidential race? Any major events happening soon?
There’s a debate episode coming up that is absolutely hysterical. It’s so close to a real life debate that you just want to cringe.

You guys just got picked up for a fourth season! Anything you would like to see happen during next season?
I’d like to see Dan go out on his own, get elected to congress, and narrowly escape an attempt on his life. Too much?

You can watch Reid on VEEP Sundays at 10:30 on HBO.

Victoria Nelli loves TV so much that she is paying $30,000 a year to learn about it in College. When she’s not learning about TV she enjoys writing about her favorite shows, interviewing anyone in the industry that will let her, and ranting about how underrated Parks and Recreation is. She is very much aware of her Netflix addiction, and no she will not be seeking help anytime soon. You can follow her on Twitter @VictoriaNelli

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