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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: Shows You Should Binge-Watch on Netflix, Shomi and CraveTV Now!

It’s so easy to watch quality television these days; cable networks are providing us with groundbreaking content and in quantities we aren’t accustomed to. Though while networks did originally air the content online streaming services are rereleasing and rebranding these shows and giving them a new audience and new platform years after they’ve left our TV screens. Netflix (and Canadian competitors CraveTV and Shomi) have an immensely diverse queue of shows and genres that there is bound to be something for everyone. The best part about binging is you don’t have to wait weeks to find out what happens, you only have to wait a mere fifteen seconds (or you can impatiently start the next episode when the fifteen second countdown appears, like I do)

Case in point, these 5 Shows You Should Binge-Watch Now!

WEEDS (Netflix US, Netflix and CraveTV in Canada)
You probably know the creator Jenji Kohan by her binging masterpiece, ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK, but her first hit for Showtime was the one that really launched her into the powerhouse she is today. The story of a suburban widowed mother of two who turns to selling weed to earn some extra cash is wild and to see how far she goes throughout the season is intense and entertaining.

Episode To Watch: “He Taught Me How To Drive By”

30 ROCK (Netflix US, Shomi and CraveTV in Canada)
If you like Tina Fey and love to laugh till it hurts then I beg you to watch 30 ROCK. I can assure you you won’t find a smarter show, or a show that uses their guest stars better than 30 ROCK. I promise after one episode you’ll be breaking out that night cheese and binging this till you’re at the finale.

Episode To Watch: “Episode 210”

One of the most underrated shows of the last five years, the Pilot is phenomenal and Toni Collette’s portrayal of a handful of different characters is mesmerizing. Side note Brie Larson is in the show and she is such a raw talent, her ability to steal any scene she is in is remarkable and something you don’t want to miss.

Episode To Watch: “The Good Parts”

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS (Netflix US, CraveTV in Canada)
Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. This show is magical and will pull at your heartstrings every chance it gets. Watch it. Love it. Listen to Coach Taylor. This show has almost too much heart (if that’s even a thing) give it a try and report back to me if you don’t like it because I will be truly surprised. The cast is beyond incredible and they all give such a stellar performance.

Episode To Watch: “Pilot”

CHUCK: (Netflix US and Canada)
I can try to write a review of this show that convinces you to watch it and tell you how hilarious, surprising, and action-packed this show is. I can try to put into words how this show completely hooked me and made me fall in love with it’s characters and completely did what a show is supposed to do. I can try to do all of these things but no matter how hard I try I will never be able to put down in words how wonderful, enchanting, and truly incredible this show really is. I started watching CHUCK because a friend had mentioned it to me, I had no idea this show would change my outlook on television and make me want to believe that there are still shows with that much heart. It was pure perfection and I truly hope we get a movie like VERONICA MARS did.

Episode To Watch: “Chuck Versus The Honeymooners”

*I picked shows that have been off the air for a couple of years. (BREAKING BAD and ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK are obviously binge worthy shows. Trust me, I get it)

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