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SCANDAL Season 5 Premiere Photos: A New Chapter for Olivia and Fitz

Will Fitz become a divorced President in season 5 of Scandal? That was the big question on everyone’s mind when he kicked his wife out of the White House and then shacked up with Olivia at the end of last season.

When Scandal returns next week, Olivia and Fitz have reunited and are enjoying every moment they have together now. Meanwhile, Cyrus, Mellie and Huck are all dealing with the ramifications of helping Command. And Mellie is back at the White House to ask her husband to reunite with her, but he’s having none of it, telling her he’s going to be divorcing her.

Meanwhile, the Olivia Pope and Associates case-of-the-week involves a visit from the Queen of Caldonia, which ends in a tragedy involving her and her family. So Olivia is hired to make sure that the royal family’s private life actually stays private.

Don’t miss the season premiere of Scandal on Thursday, September 24 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

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