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ARROW Photos: Laurel Returns to Nanda Parbat

Thea’s resurrection is clearly giving Laurel some ideas on ARROW, despite the fact that something is clearly wrong with the girl since she went in to the Lazarus Pit. Still, Laurel seems determined to use the Pit to bring back her sister.

In “Restoration”, Laurel convinces Thea to go with her to Nanda Parbat so that Thea can help her convince Malcolm to put Sara in to the Pit. Laurel is surprised when Nyssa refuses to do it, but we’re guessing Laurel gets her way somehow, since a new promo for ARROW shows Sara emerging from the pool. Photos for the episode also show tension between Nyssa and Malcolm.

Back in Star City, there’s still tension between Oliver and Diggle, which puts both of their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk. And it looks like Felicity gets to wield a very large gun.










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