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MYTHBUSTERS Preview: Going Out with a Bang

Perhaps you saw it coming. I suspected it when I heard recently that MYTHBUSTERS stars Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman had inked a deal with CBS for a new MacGuyver-type series based on their skill sets. Well, the Discovery Channel just announced that the MYTHBUSTERS episodes that begin January 9 will be their final ones. Sad to say. (Read about Adam and Jamie’s deal with CBS.)

Things have been on the decline over recent years. The subjects for myths to explore have been increasingly myopic. The ratings have been mostly just OK. And fans have revolted after presenters Kari Byron, Tory Belleci, and Grant Imahara left the show, while many fans who remained weren’t all that impressed with upgrades to the show’s graphics and concentration on show builds.

So perhaps we shouldn’t be so surprised that the show is finally leaving. It has been fourteen years, and in TV, fourteen years is a long run. Fourteen years is a long time to sustain quality and viewership.

Yet, from what I have read, Discovery Channel has given MYTHBUSTERS the opportunity to go out with a bang. They could have simply canceled the series. Instead, Discovery Channel has given Adam and Jamie one more season to clean up in fashion, exploring myths they’ve always wanted to address, give Buster one more wild ride, and end everything with the mother of all explosions.

Adam and Jamie have been giving hints of what’s to come on their Facebook pages. And they addressed the announcement of their final season on their MYTHBUSTERS website and on YouTube in a video which contains more than a couple hints of the fun we’re in for this coming incredible season.

Shall we meet Saturdays beginning in January for one more series of adventures in science with the MYTHBUSTERS and watch it go out in style – go out with a bang? See the preview below.

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