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LIMITLESS Sneak Peek: Out of Control

Who is in control of whom on LIMITLESS?

Last week, Brian Finch fought off Senator Morra’s demand that he betray Agent Harris in exchange for his NZT inoculations. Instead, he sought out the scientist he thought developed NZT, looking for a cure.

At the same time, Agent Harris sought to find out how her father got the NZT that gave him artistic insight yet also led to his mysterious death.

Turned out, it was the same scientist and working together Brian and Harris found the scientist, who had become a recluse in the wild. Harris interviewed him and learned that the scientist didn’t create NZT, he came by the formula mysteriously and initially used it to help an Alzheimer patient. When he saw how it helped her, he gave it to Harris’ father, who then gave it to others. They all mysteriously disappeared, and the only one whose body turned up was Harris’ father.

Brian’s body racking in pain and suffering from delusions and paranoia, he finally met with Morra to work out some of kind of deal that wouldn’t include betraying Harris. Morra said it was all just a test of Brian’s integrity to see if he would make a good partner for a bigger, more impactful project. Morra not only gave Brian his inoculation, he also gave him some extra NZT — to use at his discrestion. Another test of his integrity?

This week, as the preview below shows, Brian makes us all wonder at his discretion as he calls in sick to take “Brian Finch’s Time Off” — kind of a homage to “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.” But Brian’s plans are fouled when the CIA abducts him from home to tap his NZT-enhanced capabilities for a secret mission. As the operation spirals out of control, Brian is without FBI support in a situation that goes from bad to worse.

See the preview below and don’t miss a new episode of LIMITLESS on November 3 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

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