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ONCE UPON A TIME Sneak Peeks: A New Quest

Our heroes will be covering a lot of ground in this week’s ONCE UPON A TIME and embarking on several different quests.

In Camelot flashbacks, Merlin organizes a mission to reunite the dagger with Excalibur so that he can use the weapon to save Emma from being completely overcome by the darkness. Two groups head out: Hook, Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin and Zelena are tasked with breaking into Arthur’s castle to take Excalibur, while Merlin and Emma go on a journey to confront his ancient nemesis and retrieve the spark he’ll need to reforge Excalibur.

Meanwhile, we’ll be going even further back in time to see flashbacks to a young Merlin when he discovered that he was blessed with magic and immortality, giving him a new purpose. But when he falls in love with a woman named Nimue, everything changes for him and their story impacts the lives of our present-day heroes as well.

Don’t miss an all new episode of ONCE UPON A TIME on November 8 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.

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