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THE FLASH Sneak Peek: Can Barry Defeat Zoom?

In this week’s episode of THE FLASH, Barry has had enough of Zoom sending over breachers from Earth Two on a mission to kill him, so he decides it’s time to confront the villain and comes up with a very dangerous plan. Caitlin agrees with Jay and insists it’s too dangerous and that Barry is not ready to engage with the speed demon. However, Iris shows her support and brings forth a surprising ally, when she suggests they use Linda Park from Earth One and make it look as if Dr. Light has captured Barry. When and if Zoom decides to grace them with his presence, lured to our Earth by the prospect of finally taking down the Flash, they would finally take him out.

Yeah, sorry, Iris. This has bad idea written all over it, as we can see in the clips below.

We will also see what Earth Two Harrison Wells’ life was like before coming through the breech and I am so pumped to know more about him. Harry is such a lovable jerk and Tom Cavanagh is doing a remarkable job at playing the exact same character, but with a completely different agenda and personality.

So what do you think? Is Barry ready to take on Zoom or is this plan destined for failure? Tell me all about it in the comments below or come chat on  Twitter.

Don’t miss an all new episode of THE FLASH airing on November 10 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

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