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NCIS Sneak Peeks: Hearts Of Darkness

There is a chill in the air and a chill in the soul tonight on NCIS, a combination that causes team members to reflect on their life choices.

When a winter storm hits Washington, D.C., massive power outages incapacitate the city.

But even colder than the weather are the cold hearts of D.C.’s more notorious dwellers.  During the investigation of a murdered seaman, NCIS discovers that an international human-trafficking ring has resurfaced.

When the case turns more disturbing than usual, the team does some serious soul searching.  Bishop (Emily Wickersham) questions her career choices, while Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and Ducky (David McCallum) struggle to understand how anyone could be so heartless as they examine a particularly horrific crime scene.

Brian Dietzen (“Autopsy Gremlin” Jimmy Palmer) gets a nice departure from his character’s usual quirkiness to question how people can be so cold-blooded.

Series regular, Rocky Carroll (Director Leon Vance) directs tonight’s episode and gives Dietzen an opportunity to shine as a new dad who fears for the future of his baby girl in a world where young women are snatched and enslaved.

Not a group that lets its emotions or bad weather deter it from the truth, the NCIS team forges ahead to solve the seaman’s murder.

McGee (Sean Murray) tries to wrangle an invitation to stay with a colleague, and Abby (Pauley Perrette) improvises by using Bunsen burners to warm the lab as space heaters have flown off of store shelves.

Abby finds blonde hair inside of a jacket from the investigation and tracks it to a 19-year-old Congressional Page, Jane Murphy (Anna Claire Sneed).   The jacket’s owner, likely Seaman Ramos, had been to a club, so the method of transfer is unclear.

Not everything will be heart-wrenching, however.  DiNozzo (Michael Weatherly) and McGee pay a visit to a nightclub that is sponsoring a ‘90s night.  Will we get to see them bust a move?  Also, laughs are in store when McGee’s old classmate shows off a hilarious photo of a young Tim.

Guest stars on tonight’s episode, “Déjá Vu,” are Mike Bradecich, Shi Ne Nielson, Stephen Snedden, William Charlton, Jean Paul San Pedro, Winston Story, Christine Garver, Shak Ghacha, Devin McGinn, Leonard Robinson, Morgan Obenreder and real-life TV weather personality, Jackie Johnson, playing of all things…a TV weather personality.

“Déjá Vu” was written by Matthew R. Jarrett and Scott J. Jarrett.

A new episode of NCIS airs on January 19 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

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