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DEAD OF SUMMER: Elizabeth Mitchell and Elizabeth Lail Join the Cast

Freeform has announced the addition of two new cast members to the new series DEAD OF SUMMER: Elizabeth Mitchell and Elizabeth Lail.

Created by Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, DEAD OF SUMMER is set in the late 1980s, where “school is out for the summer and a sun-drenched season of firsts beckons the
counselors at Camp Clearwater, a seemingly idyllic Midwestern summer camp, including first loves, first kisses—and first kills. Clearwater’s dark, ancient mythology awakens, and what was supposed to be a summer of fun soon turns into one of unforgettable scares and evil at every turn. Part coming-of-age story, part supernatural horror story, DEAD OF SUMMER is a bold, new series that mixes genres as it examines the light and dark of a summer like no other.”

Mitchell will be playing “Deb,” the new owner of Camp Clearwater. “Once a camper herself, Deb has her heart set on bringing back the magic of the summer camp she loved. She exudes authority while simultaneously presenting a warm and welcoming vibe. Behind closed doors however, Deb seems to value her control over the camp for a much darker reason.”

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