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ARROW Preview: Dare To Demolish

Now that Nyssa has disbanded the League of Assassins and Malcolm is unemployed, it would be nice if Team Arrow could get on with the business of planning Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) and Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) wedding.

Yeah, like that is going to happen…

For one thing, Oliver still has not told Felicity he has a son.  Really, Ollie?  Because keeping secrets from Felicity has worked out so well for you in the past?

Another romance possibly headed for the rocks?  Quentin (Paul Blackthorn) and Donna (guest star Charlotte Ross).  Captain Lance is worried that HIVE’s next attack may leave his new ladylove as collateral damage.

Seriously, never take romance tips from the Smoak women.  They may know how to pick’em, but their men come with a lot of issues (The Calculator, anyone?).

And what of HIVE?  Well, looks like Damien Dahrk (guest star Neal McDonough) may have hired the Demolition Team from the Green Lantern canon.  Guest star, Rachel Luttrell (whose dad is from Louisiana) will be playing Rosie, the leader of the Demolition Team, who also is from Louisiana.

Rosie used to own a bar in New Orleans and her weapon of choice generally is a rapid-fire hot rivet gun (yes, kind of like Rosie the Riveter from World War II).

Other members of the Demolition Team who may appear on tonight’s episode, “Code of Silence,” include Hardhat (guest star Marc Trottier), Jackhammer, Scoopshovel and Steamroller.

These experts in precision demolition have been engaged by HIVE to bring down a building…the building in which Team ARROW happens to be.

Not content just with dropping a building on her opponent, Ruvé Adams, aka Dahrk’s wife, (guest star Janet Kidder) still seems to be planning to defeat Oliver’s bid for mayor.

What possibly could go wrong with this scenario?

ARROW also stars Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Willa Holland and John Barrowman.  Echo Kellum returns as Curtis Holt and Darren Matheson also guest stars.

“Code of Silence” was written by Executive Producer, Wendy Mericle, and Oscar Balderrama.  James Bamford directs.

ARROW airs on The CW (U.S) and on CTV (Canada) tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.

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