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Jimmy Kimmel Announces His Run for the Vice Presidency

While the world watches the presumptive Presidential candidates race through the primaries, Jimmy Kimmel has decided to throw his hat into the ring. But Mr. Kimmel isn’t interested in being President, he wants to be the Vice President. And he doesn’t really care whether this is how the Vice President is chosen or not — he just announced his campaign for the spot in grand style on Hollywood Blvd.

And because he’s a man of the people, he opens up the floor to the people who are attending his announcement ceremony. When someone asks him why he’s not running for President, Kimmel quips “because I am not an ego maniac. I’m humble like Mother Theresa”.

Later in his show, Kimmel told his studio audience why he was running for the Vice Presidency and then brought out Kerry Washington and Shonda Rhimes to talk about his campaign and the season finale of SCANDAL.

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