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OUTLANDER: David Berry Joins the Cast as Lord John Grey

OUTLANDER won’t be returning for more than six months, but Starz is already announcing new casting news: David Berry has been recruited to play Lord John William Grey.

According to Starz, “Lord John William Grey is a steadfast and honorable British subject, torn between a finely-honed sense of familial duty and a strong moral compass of right and wrong.  He is boyishly handsome with an upper class rearing — the consummate gentleman.  However, a scandal from his past has relegated Lord John to an undesirable position as governor of a desolate prison in Northern Scotland.”

Starz also provided a few teasers about the upcoming third season of OUTLANDER (which will premiere in 2017): “The third season of OUTLANDER picks up right after Claire travels through the stones to return to her life in 1948.  Now pregnant, she struggles with the fallout of her sudden reappearance and its effect on her marriage to her first husband, Frank.  Meanwhile, in the 18th century, Jamie suffers from the aftermath of his doomed last stand at the historic battle of Culloden, as well as the loss of Claire.  As the years pass, Jamie and Claire attempt to make a life apart from one another, each haunted by the memory of their lost love.  The budding possibility that Claire can return to Jamie in the past breathes new hope into Claire’s heart… as well as new doubt.  Separated by continents and centuries, Claire and Jamie must find their way back to each other.  As always, adversity, mystery, and adventure await them on the path to reunion.  And the question remains: when they find each other, will they be the same people who parted at the standing stones, all those years ago?”


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