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THE GOOD PLACE Sneak Peek: Doing a Nice Thing in Return for Someone Else

Eleanor is still on edge from the note she got in the premiere of THE GOOD PLACE as the show settles in to its regular airtime tonight. She’s distracted as Chidi begins formally teaching Eleanor about ethics, which frustrates him because she’s once again not acting like a good person. When Tahani stops by with a plant and Chidi says Tahani is being nice, Eleanor insists it’s all just an act. Still, Chidi suggests that Eleanor return the favor and do something nice for Tahani in exchange. In an attempt to try to follow his suggestion, Eleanor agrees to accompany Tahani around the neighborhood as she checks in on everyone after the recent disasters.

Meanwhile, Michael thinks that Chidi is an interesting case because he spent most of his life on earth doing just one thing – writing his ethics book. So Michael suggests that he spends his afterlife trying new things. given the fact that Chidi is frightened of almost everything, that doesn’t work out well.

Don’t miss an all new episode of THE GOOD PLACE tonight (September 22) at 8:30 p.m. ET/PT on NBC.

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