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THE CROWN: Go Behind the Scenes of the Show’s Gorgeous Costumes

THE CROWN is not only a feast for storytelling (the British royal family is full of fascinating people, after all), it’s also a feast for your eyes. The scenery is beautiful, the sets are divine and the costumes are simply gorgeous. In a new featurette for THE CROWN, the producers, cast and costumer designer take us behind the scenes of the Netflix series’ outfits.

The show has recreated or reimagined enormous scenes in the history of this family throughout the 10 episode first season. The true scale of Elizabeth’s wedding to Philip may never adequately be copied on screen, but the pagentry of it is, particularly when it comes to her wedding dress. That costume, for example, took six desginers and six weeks to properly construct. With Elizabeth, Philip and other members of the family being held up as the style icons of their day, THE CROWN costume department took their job very seriously and delivered a beautiful representation of what the royals wore back in the 1950s.

THE CROWN premieres on Netflix on November 4.

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