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THE FLASH 3.04 Recap: Welcome Back, Killer Frost!

Last night’s THE FLASH started out as a pretty slow and filler episode for me. Even though I knew that the Mirror Master was a big name in the DC Comics canon, he was just alright on the show and didn’t really stand out like other metas have in the past. But the feeling that maybe this was just going to be a boring episode for me changed when Barry got stuck in the mirror. And not because he was stuck in the mirror, per se, but because it caused a whole lot of other situations that were pretty awesome.

The search for a new Harrison Wells. I’m going to be very honest here. As entertaining as that audition process was, I still like Harry so much better than all those other doppelgangers. Also, kudos to Tom Cavanagh – those other versions of Harry were hilarious and it’s amazing seamlessly he just goes from one character to another.

Now, I am pretty sure there’s a reason we’re getting a new Harrison Wells, but I don’t trust that dude. I also hope that doesn’t mean we have just said goodbye for good to Harry and Jesse.

Westallen and Joe. While I am not really a fan of those two together, I admit that seeing Barry and Joe feeling completely awkward was hilarious. And I totally get why they would feel that way. Joe is a father figure for both of them and, while they’re not biologically related, it’s still kind of weird. It seemed like both Barry and Joe were feeling like this is going to take some getting used to, but I’m sure it’ll all work out in the end. THE FLASH is that rare show where I really don’t ship anyone, so as long as they’re happy, then so am I.

That said, is Joe finally getting a love interest? Who is that woman and why the sudden interest in Joe? Is this a Flashpoint thing? Whatever it is, I am so happy for him. The guy deserves some loving and it’s about time he is getting it.

Jesse Quick and Wally. I love Jesse. I really do, and I hope that we will get to see more of her and soon. I was getting kick out of Barry teaching her and actually laughed out loud when he said, “Oh, my God. I’ve become Oliver!”. Grant Gustin’s delivery was spot on and I am absolutely sure the audience had come to that exact same conclusion before he said it.

That said, Jesse was like a breath of fresh air into this show. She is funny, sassy and she is basically Barry when he first started out. And her relationship with Wally is just so precious and sweet, that when they finally kissed, I sighed happily. They’re the two kids in a team of grown-ups and they have always been each other’s support buddy. I feel bad for Wally now, that he had her for such a short time and had to say goodbye again.

Maybe that is going to be enough reason to bring her back. And Harry. There’s no such thing as too much Harry in our lives.

Killer Frost. I know Caitlin is scared of her new powers, but why hasn’t she told anyone yet? The team could be helping her figure out what is happening to her and help her learn how to control it. However, I am so, so happy that they’re bringing Killer Frost back. Last season was not kind for Danielle Panabaker, but Killer Frost from Earth-2 was one of the highlights of the season for me. I wonder if they’re going to make her evil – which I seriously hope they don’t. That’s just not our sweet Caitlin – but what’s really cool about this whole thing is that the entire team is meta now. They are actual superheroes with super powers and this show is about to get so much more fun.

A new episode of THE FLASH wil air next Tuesday, November 1, at 8/7C on The CW.

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