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ARROW Fall Season Finale Sneak Peek: And The Candidates Are….

OK, people, it is time to vote! No, not for those folks. It is time to vote for the likely candidate who is hiding under the Prometheus hood on ARROW.

Evelyn’s (Madison McLaughlin) resentment of Oliver (Stephen Amell) continues to grow, despite his attempts to build a relationship with the young woman. No amount of that famous Queen charm can erase her anger. Not only did Ollie not rescue her parents from Damien Dahrk, but he failed to save her hero, Black Canary, from death at the hands of the blue-eyed monster.

Her bitterness has driven her to team up with Prometheus, delivering intel on Team Arrow.

When Curtis (Echo Kellum) and Paul (Chenier Hundal) are attacked by Prometheus, it becomes clear to Oliver that the big bad knows their secret identities, which puts the team’s lives and existence in jeopardy.

Shall we round up the usual suspects?

Tommy Merlin (Colin Donnell). Yes, he is dead. Or he was dead. But Flashpoint gave John (David Ramsey) a son instead of a daughter, so it is not beyond the pale. The time aberration may have restored the Lazarus Pit. It is not unreasonable to think that Malcolm (John Barrowman) could have used it to reanimate Tommy in the new timeline.

Considering that their love for Laurel turned Tommy’s friendship with Oliver into a rivalry, the modus operandi could fit. Prometheus wants to make Oliver suffer as much as possible before finishing him off.

Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett). Ah, if only this were the case. The brief glimpse at Deathstroke in last week’s 100th-episode crossover reminded viewers how much this character is missed. Hopefully, the rule that “Features trump TV” as to who has control of the character will slacken and return Bennett to the ARROW canvas.

R’as al Ghul (Matt Nable). Yes, he is dead. See #1. Not only could Flashpoint have revised the circumstances of his death, he OWNS the Lazarus Pit. If they could pull off the seeming size differential on the Prometheus costume, it could be any of the al Ghuls.

Roy Harper (Colton Haynes). He knows a lot about Team Arrow and may have gone ‘round the bend due to any number of circumstances. Perhaps he is jealous of the recruits, played by McLaughlin, Kellum, Rick Gonzalez and Joe Dinicol.

Billy Malone (Tyler Ritter). Not yet. He may be in the works as a future villain, but tonight is the fall season finale and 42 minutes is not enough time to establish a backstory before going away for 8 weeks…is it?

Justin Claybourne (Garwin Sanford). Who? Claybourne was one of the names listed in Robert Queen’s book who has not shown up as a character on ARROW until tonight. Considering that Robert instructed Oliver to deal with the unscrupulous people on the list, Justin is a viable candidate, even though his name rarely has been referenced since the series pilot. However, Prometheus is using anagrams of the names on the list to kill Star City residents, and the photos show Ollie and Dig at Claybourne Pharmaceuticals.

Executive Producer, Wendy Mericle, says that some of the stories that were foreshadowed in Season 1 will be told this year.

Side plug for SUPERNATURAL: Claybourne is played by Garwin Sanford, the actor who portrayed the fabulous Jim Michaels in “The French Mistake,” my favorite episode.

Anybody else in Robert’s book. Why not? While they would not know as much about the team, Evelyn has intel, and they also have had issues with the Queens. The same goes for anybody who belongs in the “deceased but possibly resurrected” category.

Jim Jordan. Who? Jim Jordan. For those who did not spend their allowances on DC Comics, Jim Jordan is Hal Jordan’s brother. Hal Jordan, arguably, is considered to be the preeminent (but not the only) Green Lantern. In print, Jim Jordan is married to Susan Williams (Carly Pope), Oliver’s potential new reporter squeeze. It could explain why Susan is so interested in digging up dirt on Ollie other than being good at her job.

It’s a stretch, but what a great way to introduce a new GREEN LANTERN series to fill the Friday night gap next year to replace the departing THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, and there was that one brief reference to Hal Jordan last season. Hopes are up.

ARROW also stars Emily Bett Rickards, Willa Holland, Josh Segarra and Paul Blackthorne. Tonight’s episode, “What We Leave Behind,” was written by Mericle & Beth Schwartz and directed by Antonio Negret.

ARROW’s fall season finale airs tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW in the U.S. and on CTV Two in Canada.

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