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ARROW Comic-Con Preview and Teasers: Oliver Tries to Pick Up the Pieces in Season 6

ARROW ended last season on a terrifying note, with all of Oliver’s friends on an island while it exploded, leaving their fates up in the air. In addition, Adrian Chase shot and killed himself in front of Oliver and his son, leaving the two men on a boat in the ocean surrounding Lian Yu.

When the show returns Oliver is back in Star City, but his son is traumatized by the events of last season, and Oliver is trying to pick up the pieces.

The producers won’t be rebooting the show despite the fact that they wrapped up a five year storyline last year. They will be doubling-down on a lot of the dark, gritty storytelling, but we will see a different kind of Oliver Queen after the last ten years and particularly the events of last season.

Despite actors such as David Ramsey and Emily Bett Rickards appearing on the panel, the producers wouldn’t confirm who will make it off the island. What they would reiterate is that Katie Cassidy is back full-time as Black Siren. Meanwhile, the new Black Canary also has a new costume.

While season 5 was about building up a new Team Arrow, season 6 will be about doubling-down on the concept of “found family”. To do this they’re also coming up with a group of villains next season. David Nykl will be reprising his role as Anatoly and he’ll be coming back with a “literal vengeance”. They also revealed that another member of this villainous cabal will be playing by Michael Emerson (LOST). Fans will also be introduced to the character Richard Dragon from the comics, although the producers wouldn’t confirm who would be playing him.

While the flashbacks to Oliver’s life on Lian Yu are over, the show will still be showing a few flashbacks, although they won’t be in every episode. Instead, they’ll be more character-specific. This also led the producers to reveal that Manu Bennett will return in the season premiere and he’ll also be back for a special two-part episode where the writers will be focused on Slade Wilson, including showcasing a Slade flashback story.

ARROW will return for a new season on September 12 on The CW.

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