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SUPERGIRL: Katie McGrath Teases Lena Luthor and Morgan Edge’s Growing Feud

Lena Luthor and Morgan Edge do not like one another. Edge has been an antagonist for Lena after being introduced in season 3 of SUPERGIRL and their feud comes to a bit of a head in tonight’s episode.

When multiple children get sick from lead poisoning, Morgan Edge (guest star Adrian Pasdar) points the finger at Lena and blames her creation of the lead bomb she made to save National City from the Daxamites. During a visit to the set of SUPERGIRL in Vancouver, Katie McGrath spoke to us about the antagonism between the two characters, how tonight’s showdown will play out and Lena’s constant struggle to prove herself better than her family name.

Don’t Expect Any Romance Between These Two Characters. If you suspected there might be sparks between Lena and Morgan, McGrath is here to tell you those sparks won’t lead to a romance, especially after the events of tonight. “When you have two very powerful, very intelligent people sparking off each other there’s heat — whether it’s sexual or it’s intellectual. I think that’s just what it is between the two of them — you’ve got so much power and so much intelligence and so much success that you can’t help but have sparks. But this episode, he drugs me and puts me on a plane that’s going to crash in the middle of a reservoir, [so] I feel like that’s the end of any fun times that are going to happen between the two of us. I do also pull a gun on him. So possibly any pretence of having a nice business relationship has gone out of the window by the time this episode’s over.”

Lena’s Confidence. McGrath thinks that Lena’s conviction and confidence can be seen as negatives by those people who would brand her evil because of her last name. “Because as a character she’s very confident and the thing about Lena is she’s very sure about what she thinks. She’s very sure of her own morals. And her morals are very strong. You see it in this episode coming up that she believes a certain thing, she believes she’s right. It’s not that she’s evil or not, it’s just that she’s very dogmatic about it. Maybe she’s willing to go slightly further than other people, but ultimately she believes she’s doing the right thing.”

Her Achilles Heel. “I think this is going to be her Achilles heel, especially in this season, that everybody’s pre-conceived notions about her keep coming back and no matter what she does people are quick to blame her because of her last name. And so this episode, it’s kind of like her trigger. It gets her back up and it puts her into fight mode. You see that very clearly in the episode tonight – that she’s like an easy mark because of it. And Morgan Edge manipulates that because he’s an a**hole. I think Lena holds on to everything. I think that’s one of her failings — that she feels everything and she takes it on. Especially anything to do with her family, she feels extremely guilty that she is a Luthor even though she’s never done anything wrong. She’s very quick to [also] believe that she may have done something wrong. Because ultimately I think she feels deep-down that she fears she might be like her brother, her mother, her father. So it’s her Achilles heel, as well as her strength. She’s very intelligent, she’s very capable, she’s very strong. She draws both from her family, her name, who she is and [she] has good parts and bad parts, like everything.”

Don’t miss an all new episode of SUPERGIRL tonight (November 6) at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

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