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THE FLASH: Chris Klein Teases Cicada’s Backstory in This Week’s Episode

Photo: Katie Yu/The CW

Cicada is THE FLASH’s big bad this season and he’s been particularly troublesome for Team Flash because the weapon he possesses takes away meta powers and renders them all powerless when they attempt to fight him. In the next episode of THE FLASH we’re going to learn more about Cicada (a.k.a. Orlin Dwyer) and how he came to be Cicada.

During a recent red carpet for THE FLASH’s upcoming 100th episode, Chris Klein (Cicada) said that in this week’s episode “We’re going to learn a whole lot about Orlin Dwyer. We’re going to learn everything we need to learn about Orlin Dwyer — who he is and why he is Cicada, how he became Cicada, how he became a meta. And what exactly is happening. And it’s going to be really eye-opening to the audience and I think it’s going to create a big tug-of-war for the audience as they learn why he’s doing what he’s going. The one tease that I know I can give to you is that it’s going to be very, very important to keep an eye on that little girl in the hospital. Because that little girl is all Orlin has in the world. And she’s a very important piece of the puzzle.”

We mentioned to Klein that every villain is the considered to be the hero of their own story. Given Cicada’s rumoured tragic background, we asked whether he was conflicted about truly calling Cicada a villain, but he replied “I’m not conflicted at all. I think ‘villain’ is [an appropriate label for Orlin]. I think every villain has a reason and when the fans learn what Cicada’s reason is, maybe they’ll struggle with the term ‘villain’. But he’s causing a lot of damage. It would be tough to call him a hero. We’ll see what happens down the line.”

Don’t miss an all new episode of THE FLASH airing on November 27 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

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