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Candid Cory Monteith: The GLEE Star Talks about the Future of Finn, the Perils of Fame and the Wild Ride that Comes with Starring on a Hit Show

Cory Monteith and the TV Addict, 11.18.09 Toronto

It may surprise you to learn that GLEE star Cory Monteith and the TV Addict go way back.

Before he became everyone’s favorite singing jock, Monteith and his fellow GLEE clubbers were hangin’ with me on the set of what would soon become the most buzzed about show in recent memory, asking what I and several other reporters thought of their little “we’re singin’ and dancin’ and we’re not gonna be the next COP ROCK” show.

Okay, frankly, none of them are old enough to remember COP ROCK. But I digress.

During that meeting back in March, the cast wanted to know if we, the TV journalists with our fingers on the pulse of the pop-culture beat, thought this show would connect with a large enough audience to prevent it from tap dancing to an early grave. They seemed genuinely concerned that America wouldn’t “get” what they were doing and would throw a metaphorical slushie in their faces.

Cut to almost a year later, where Monteith is holding court at Toronto’s only five-star hotel on the final leg of a seemingly endless promotional tour which has taken him from the malls of America to his hometown of Calgary — where he won over crowds at last weekend’s Gemini awards — and everywhere in between.

Ridiculously friendly and shocking laid back for a young man whose every public appearance is greeted by throngs of shrieking fans, Monteith kindly took time out of his busy schedule of pressing the flesh and signing autographs to catch up with this TV Addict about how his life has changed since GLEE took the country world by storm and the question on everyone’s lips: Will Finn finally dump Quinn for Rachel?

You essentially got to shoot the first 13 episodes of GLEE in a protective bubble. Now that you’ve seen the critical and fan reaction first hand, do you expect the atmosphere on the set and between the cast members to change?
Cory Monteith: I think a lot will remain to be seen. We got to do a little bit of work when the show had actually come out but we haven’t been in production with this kind of reaction yet. Honestly, I really hope we can all focus and stick to our guns.


When I had the chance to visit the set in March, all I saw was a group of ridiculously hardworking cast and crew. Are you at all concerned that when you do resume shooting, the set will suddenly be swamped with cast member’s entourages (Managers, publicists, stylists and hanger-oners)?
Well that’s just it [laughs] That’s been the kind of landscape of the more recent publicity tours. I guess I’m the only hold out.

How nervous are you about the perils of fame?
I’m really trying not to lose my perspective.

Something that I imagine is easier said than done when you’ve spent the last month singing the National Anthem at the World Series games and jetting between New York and Los Angeles for events that include thousands of fans lining up for autographs at CD signings. How exactly are you going to keep your head on straight?
You just put your head down and do what you’ve got to do. Whether it’s signing CD’s or doing interviews, which is really all we’re really doing. Whether it’s for a million people or two, I’m just doing concentrating on doing the job at any given moment.

As you prepare to head back to the set to start shooting the latter half of the season, is there added pressure knowing that what you do onscreen will now be scrutinized by millions of fans?
You know, it hadn’t even occurred to me….

Until now.
Am I supposed to be nervous? Crap! Now that you mention it…. Like I said, my approach has always been in this industry and in this career: I am what I am and I do what I do and it’s literally that simple. I can’t do it if I think too much about it.

What’s it been like being on what to this outsider seems like the never-ending publicity tour?
[Laughs] Pretty much. [Nodding to the publicist in the room] See I told you this was nothing! [Referring to the ‘mere’ morning of press he has done in Toronto]

Australia, New York, Las Vegas, Calgary, Toronto, have you had anytime to soak it in and enjoy?
There really hasn’t been time to soak it in. It’s been pretty relentless since May. But hey… make hay while the sun shines.

But surely you must have had some ridiculously cool, “I can’t believe this is my life” moments?
My this is ridiculously cool moment was when I was doing THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH CONAN O’BRIEN and Conan walked into the green room and shook my hand and said I’m a big fan of the show.

That was a really entertaining interview [Note: Video available at the bottom of this interview]
Thanks. I was scared sh*tless, could you tell?

At the beginning you did seem a bit nervous, but looked more comfortable as the interview went on.
Good, that’s what my manager said and she knows me better than anybody.

Moving onto the show, who is going to find out the truth about their impending (or lack their-of) baby-daddy situation first. Finn or Mr. Schuester?
They both happen at pretty much the same time to be honest with you.

Will the truth come out prior to GLEE’s hiatus?
Let’s put it this way. The show was written as potentially having only 13 episodes because that was our first order. Not knowing whether or now we were going to be picked up means everything kind of comes to a head in the first 13.

Does episode 13 end on a cliffhanger?
Yes, it does.

When GLEE does come back, will it do so following AMERICAN IDOL?

Is this confirmed?
We know this for sure.

AMERICAN IDOL/ GLEE sounds like a match made in heaven.
It’s the best possible scenario.

How much do you know about what is in store for Finn over the course of GLEE’s final 9 episodes of the season?
I don’t know a thing. You know as much as i do. In fact, no one tells me anything. Honestly, they say this is when you need to show up, a car will pick up you up at this time and that’s like literally how it kind of rolls for me.

And finally, I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you one of the most pressing questions on every Gleek’s mind. Does Finn belong with Rachel or Quinn?
[Laughs] For Finn, I don’t know. I think there’s a terrific love triangle there with Puck, Rachel and Finn and that’s definitely where the plot is heading in the future. There really is terrific chemistry with all these characters so it will be interesting to see.

Don’t miss brand new episodes of GLEE Wednesdays at 9PM on FOX (Global TV in Canada)

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