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The Showrunner Chronicles: Julie Plec Talks THE ORIGINALS and THE VAMPIRE DIARIES

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Memo to Showrunner Shonda Rhimes: Watch your back! Because this fall, a new name is thisclose to usurping your crown as “Hollywood’s Hardest Worker.” Meet Julie Plec! Responsible for spearheading three hit (or soon-to-be hit) CW shows this fall (THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, THE ORIGINALS and THE TOMORROW PEOPLE), we think it goes without saying that Plec has quite the gargantuan task ahead of her. So, how exactly does she plan on keeping all three balls in the air while managing to maintain the storytelling success that has been the hallmark of the past few seasons of the mother ship (Read: TVD)? See for yourself, after the jump.

Video Credit: Tiffany Vogt

Tiffany Vogt is the Senior West Coast Editor, contributing as a columnist and entertainment reporter to She has a great love for television and firmly believes that entertainment is a world of wondrous adventures that deserves to be shared and explored – she invites you to join her. Please feel free to contact Tiffany at or follow her at on Twitter (@TVWatchtower).

Paul Wesley (photo credit: Genevieve Collins)

Charles Michael Davis (photo credit: Genevieve Collins)

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